Antonym: in low spirits. Similar words: spirits, spirit, spirited, dispirited, good spirit, animal spirits, spirituality, high school. Meaning: adj. happy and excited and energetic.
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1 John is in high spirits at the prospects.
2 I'm always in high spirits.
3 At supper, everyone was in high spirits.
4 Seb was still in high spirits after winning the race.
5 They'd had a couple of drinks and were in high spirits.
6 He is in high spirits....
7 The dinner followed,( with the group in high spirits.
8 Despite the rain, everyone was in high spirits.
9 They are in high spirits this Thursday evening in late February.
10 As usual, only Zack and Jane seemed in high spirits as everyone else groaned and complained.
11 They were all in high spirits, as they talked about the new scripts.
12 Said victim, in high spirits at justice actually being served against all probability, immediately calls the police.
13 The girls go down to the locker room in high spirits, all except Eddie.
14 Mercutio is in high spirits, teasing Romeo about his love as they prepare to go to the Capulet masked ball.
15 Prue told George that Dawn Allenby was in high spirits because an admirer had sent her flowers.
16 In high spirits, then, I would return, unharmed, unmolested, as I would always remind myself.
17 In high spirits, his father was talking about the immense advances made in forensic science in recent years.
18 The girls are in high spirits after a week away from classes and some vacation time with their families.
19 He is in high spirits today.
20 Miss Rachel was in high spirits.
21 The class was in high spirits.
22 Jenny looked very pretty and was in high spirits.
23 They are going about the work in high spirits.
24 Tigress was in high spirits.
25 He was in high spirits at breakfast.
26 It was a bright sunny day and we set off in high spirits .
27 It was the last day of term and everyone was in high spirits.
28 As they went down, the two married ladies were in high spirits.
29 The piece needs to be taken at a good pace and in high spirits.
30 Lee wasted no time entering Maryland, the men being in high spirits as the bold move was made.
More similar words: spirits, spirit, spirited, dispirited, good spirit, animal spirits, spirituality, high school, aspirin, aswan high dam, aspiring, inspiring, perspiring, inhibit, in hiding, highlight, inhibited, inhibition, uninhibited, empirical, empiricism, high, thigh, aspire, spiral, highway, highly, inspire, perspire, inherit.